Retreat with with Ajahn Brahmali, Ayya Poonsirivara and Venerable Vimala at the Bizon Farm June 2022
Retreat with Bhante Sujato in Yeunten Ling, Huy (Belgium), Dec 2019–Jan 2020
Ayya Kathrin Vimalañāṇī Bhikkhunī ordination March 17, 2018, Los Angeles
Ajahn Brahmali retreat in Schneverdingen, June 2017
Ajahn Brahmali talks in Hamburg, at Tibetisches Zentrum & BGH, June 2017
Ayya Vimala Bhikkhuni Ordination August 7, 2016, Los Angeles
Ayya Mudita retreat in Heyd, June 2016
Ayya Mudita gave a retreat on the subject of Samadhi in the beautiful setting of Heyd in the Belgian Ardennes.
Vesakh Celebration Hamburg, May 2016
Ayya Vimala was at the Buddhistische Gesellschaft Hamburg to participate in the Vesakh celebrations.
Visit of Ajahn Brahm
Some impressions of Ajahn Brahm’s visit to Hamburg (24-27 October 2014)
Visit of Ayya Yeshe Chodron
The visit of Ayya Yeshe to Saarbrücken and Belgium was a great succes. A few pictures:
Samaneri Ordination Ayya Vimala

Anagarika Vimala was ordained as Samaneri in Dhammasara Nun’s Monastery in Perth on 18th February by Ven. Hasapanna Bhikkhuni.