Samita ASBL

Author Archive: admin

Vesakh in Hamburg

Ayya Vimala was in Hamburg for the celebration of Vesakh last weekend to support the Buddhistische Gesellschaft Hamburg. Some impressions on television:

Map of Buddha’s India

SuttaCentral has just deployed a map of India as it is known in the Early Buddhist Texts. The map depicts the towns, cities, countries, and other places of interest in the Buddha’s life. But by plotting these on an interactive…
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Message of Gratitude

In the last months, I have been the guest of the BGH in Hamburg and wish to express my sincere gratitude for the warm welcome and great support I have received here. It has been a privilege to be able…
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Our New Spiritual Advisor

Bhante Sujato has kindly agreed to be our Spiritual Advisor with regards to the project to start a monastery in Belgium. He was the Abbot of Santi Forest Monastery in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia for 10…
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Dependent Origination and Dependent Liberation

  Ajahn Brahmali has introduced two new booklets on Dependent Origination and Dependent Liberation. Beyerlein & Steinschulte Publishers also published a German language version recently. If you would like to receive one or more copies of these booklets free of…
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