Samita ASBL

The Future of Tilorien Monastery

Aniccā vata Sankhārā
All formations are subject to change

At the beginning of the year, I announced I was resigning from my role at Tilorien Monastery to spend more time with my aging father and devote myself more to Dhamma practice.

We are now nearly a year further and after many conversations with various people, a.o. the Spiritual Advisors, the Board members, and sponsors, no Bhikkhuni has been found to take over the responsibilities for the monastery, partly because we cannot secure visas for overseas Bhikkhunis. It was therefore decided that I will go on a sabbatical from 1st February onwards while still residing at Tilorien Monastery but without accepting guests and events. The last 7 years have been quite full-on in building and running the monastery and it will give me a little break in which I can rest, focus on practice, and visit some monastic teachers.

The daily iSangha will continue as a peer group. I feel struck by the enthusiasm of the group to help out and to continue! In cooperation with the Samita Events Committee, they plan to occasionally invite monastics to facilitate a sitting, give a Dhamma talk, or a guided meditation.

I herewith want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has helped to build and grow Tilorien Monastery over all these years and to the iSangha members for their support and enthusiasm!

With much metta
Ven. Vimala