We are planning a trip to the Buddhist holy sites in India from October 14-31, 2025. It’s a long way away still but it gives interested participants a chance to take leave from work and to read up on the various places we will visit. Ven. Vimala wil join the pilgrimage to give explanations and teachings along the way.
The Buddhist sites are very special places and a pilgrimage to the sites where the Buddha was born, became enlightened, taught many suttas and passed away is an experience of a lifetime. These are beautiful places where for thousands of years monastics and pilgrims have meditated and the energy is serene and strong.
In the Mahāparinibbānasutta, Dīghanikāya 16, it is written (translation by Bhikkhu Sujato):
28. The Four Inspiring Places
“Previously, sir, when mendicants had completed the rainy season residence in various districts they came to see the Realized One. We got to see the esteemed mendicants, and to pay homage to them. But when the Buddha has passed, we won’t get to see the esteemed mendicants or to pay homage to them.”
“Ānanda, a faithful gentleman should go to see these four inspiring places. What four? Thinking: ‘Here the Realized One was born!’—that is an inspiring place. Thinking: ‘Here the Realized One became awakened as a supreme fully awakened Buddha!’—that is an inspiring place. Thinking: ‘Here the supreme Wheel of Dhamma was rolled forth by the Realized One!’—that is an inspiring place. Thinking: ‘Here the Realized One became fully extinguished in the element of extinguishment with nothing left over!’—that is an inspiring place. These are the four inspiring places that a faithful gentleman should go to see.
Faithful monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen will come, and think: ‘Here the Realized One was born!’ and ‘Here the Realized One became awakened as a supreme fully awakened Buddha!’ and ‘Here the supreme Wheel of Dhamma was rolled forth by the Realized One!’ and ‘Here the Realized One became fully extinguished in the element of extinguishment with nothing left over!’ Anyone who passes away while on pilgrimage to these shrines will, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm.”
Next to Lumbini (where the Buddha was born), Sarnath/Bārānasī (where the Wheel of Dhamma was set rolling), Bodhgaya (the place of the Buddha’s enlightenment) and Kusinārā (the place of the passing away of the Buddha), we will also visit other places where the Buddha gave many teachings like Sāvatthī, Vesāli and Rājagaha.
You can find a map of all the places mentioned in the suttas on SuttaCentral.
We will travel in a small group of maximum 15 people and the tour is organized by an iSangha Kalyanamitta from India. Click here for the full itinerary of the pilgrimage.
If you are interested in being kept informed or wish to take part please contact us. There is a small waiting list at present.