We are very happy to announce that next to Ajahn Brahmali, Ayya Poonsirivara from Thailand will also visit Tilorien monastery for a month and join in the retreat! Ayya Poonsirivara is one of the first Bhikkhunis in Thailand so we are very happy to have such senior visitors!

With the high inflation rate for food and our heating prices having doubled, we want to ask for your help and also offer an opportunity to support our respected visitors as well as Ayya Vimala.
It costs approximately 15 euros per day to support a monastic with the “four requisites”, i.e. food, shelter, clothing and medicines. If out of gratitude and joy of giving you wish to support the Sangha for one or more days, please have a look at the calendar.
You can give a donation by PayPal or bank account to Samita. See details below.
If you wish to dedicate the merit of your donation on a specific day to a loved person who is ill or somebody who has passed away, please email us and the Sangha will chant for them.
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!
The Samita Team