Samita ASBL

Abiding Beyond Limits – The Brahma Viharas. An Insight Dialogue online course 18th May – 8th June

Ayya Anopama & Juliane Dienemann will offer an online Insight Dialogue course to explore the Brahma Viharas on four consecutive Mondays, 18th & 25th May, 1st & 8th June, from 19.15-21.15 (CEST) as part of Tilorien Monastery’s iSangha programme.

The sudden appearance of a global pandemic confronts us most immediately with the fragility of life and the truth of suffering. More than ever do we sense our relatedness: in life, in sickness and in death. And yet, in the struggle to find some stability, our more unhelpful tendencies seem to be reinforced: to separate, alienate, to accumulate and to attempt  controlling what cannot be controlled.

The Brahma Viharas, also called ‘Sublime Abidings’ or ‘Immeasurables’, offer a way out of this spiral. As undetachable qualities of the heart, they can offer us an unlimited resource and refuge when we face distress: never distant, always available. By exploring and cultivating them, we can discover our intimate connection with others and the world as a whole – beyond physical distancing, beyond borders. This realization can provide us with the strength and courage to face the world’s challenges with wisdom and compassion. As expressions of a liberated mind the Brahma Viharas have the potential to become a gateway for liberating insight and for the mind’s deliverance itself. 

Together we will cultivate, investigate and dwell in these ‘Immeasurable Abidings’ of Benevolence, Compassion, Appreciative Joy and Equanimity in silence and speech. The powerful practice of Insight Dialogue will support us in engaging inquiry with kindness and wisdom, bringing the meditative qualities of mindfulness and stillness into our relationships.

Ayya Anopama has extensive meditation experience with a number of well-known teachers and been sharing the Dhamma in various settings internationally. To find out more, go to: 

Juliane Dienemann has been practicing in the Insight Meditation tradition since 2014 and spends several weeks a year on retreat. She has a keen interest in a relational understanding of the Dhamma. One of her passions is exploring how the Buddhist wisdom teachings can foster appropriate responses to the socio-ecological challenges of our time. Juliane worked as a secondary school teacher and studied Literature and Philology, Sustainable Development, International Management and Organizational Psychology. Since 2016 she has been leading groups on interpersonal mindfulness and generative dialogue. Currently, she is training as Insight Dialogue facilitator. 

Prerequisites: prior Insight Dialogue and meditation experience. 

Limited Space: Due to the nature of online practice there are a limited number of spaces available. Out of respect to all who wish to participate, we ask that, before registering, you are committed to attending all sessions for the duration of the course. Naturally, we will be flexible with extenuating circumstances that arise during this time. People will be accepted on a first come first serve basis and their ability to commit to attending all sessions.

Registration: send a message to Tilorien stating ‘Insight Dialogue: Brahma Viharas’ in the subject line. Details and access to the designated zoom room will be sent prior to the start of the course. 

This course is offered out of gratitude and generosity. If you feel moved to engage in this circle of generosity and would like to offer dana to support the facilitators and the teachings at Tilorien Monastery, you can do so following this link and stating ‘Insight Dialogue’:

For more information about Tilorien Monastery and the iSangha, see: and

For more information about Insight Dialogue, see: