Dear friends,
Many of you have been following the progress of Tilorien monastery closely and given much spiritual, material, and financial support to us in the last years.
I am very sad, but I have to let you all know that I left Tilorien today. It was a very difficult decision for me, but in the end, Ayya Vimala and I both agreed that it would be better if I continue my practise elsewhere. I’m not sure yet where I’ll be going but I think I may end up in Sri Lanka.
Thank you all for supporting us. I am very grateful to have met so many great dhamma practitioners through this project. May your generosity lead you all to peace, happiness, and eventually to nibbana.
With much metta,
Ayya Vimalanyani
Dear Ayya,
Wishing you all the best on your travels!
Thank you for all you have done to help build Tilorien monastery and I hope you find a good place for your practice in beautiful Sri Lanka.
With much metta and gratitude,
Ayya Vimala
Dear Ayya,
may the force be with you!
Warmest regards,