Samita ASBL

The land has been purchased!

Today, our president has signed the contract to purchase the land in Engreux for the new monastery!

We can now start to look at plans for the new buildings together with the architect and ask for quotes from building firms.

The first stage will be just the main structure of the building . This means it will have a roof and walls and the foundation and ground-works will be done (like sewage system) and water and electricity will be inside the building. However, plumbing, wiring, kitchen, toilet, bathroom, painting, flooring, etc. still will need to be done by us and volunteers. If you want to help with this, most likely in the spring and summer of 2017, please contact us.

Next to this 2-3 kutis will be built. These are around 3000-4000 Euro each. They are small, simple, wooden buildings of around 10 m2 with sufficient insulation for the winter, electricity and possibly a small stove.

You can make an instant difference by donating, even a small amount will be helpful.

If you wish to help towards this project to establish the Bhikkhuni Sangha in Europe, please find details on the right or use paypal:
